Dikeman to Represent Kansas
November 25, 2020

Gene Dikeman, President and CEO of Plains State Bank and KBA’s Bank PAC Committee Chairman has been selected to serve on the Nationwide Banker Board for Friends of Traditional Banking (FOTB), a national non-partisan political action committee (PAC) who’s grassroots political efforts are organized by bankers. FOTB chooses a few congressional races each cycle that includes strong pro-banking candidates that are in tough races and encourages support from bankers across the country to donate directly to their campaigns. “First I would like to thank Kyle for his service to FOTB and his efforts moving in the best interest of FOTB and Kansas banks. I look forward to working with the FOTB team to do my part to support and meet the challenges we have and will have going forward.” states Dikeman.
Dikeman will be the Kansas representative on the board replacing Kyle Campbell, President & CEO of Astra Bank and KBA’s State Affairs Committee Chairman. Dikeman will serve FOTB alongside fellow Kansan John Boyer IV, Chairman of Kanza Bank who currently services on the executive committee for the organization.